PRESS RELEASE: RP Call Out Sports Minister Over Double Standards On Discrimination
RP calls on Minister McKenzie to end all race quotas in sports, says hypocrisy to call on others to end discrimination whilst SA practices it.
RP calls on Minister McKenzie to end all race quotas in sports, says hypocrisy to call on others to end discrimination whilst SA practices it.
Referendum Party launches its Non-racialism Bill saying it is long overdue and that the main opposition have shirked their responsibilities by not doing it sooner.
RP's Non-racialism Bill will force both the state and the private sector to treat all people as individuals and according to their own merits.
OP-ED [Rapport]: In support of the Referendum Party's Non-racialism Bill. Why it is time to end race-based policy in South Africa
Referendum Party Bill aims to end use of Apartheid era racial classifications and race-based policy once and for all. Public input invited.
PRESS RELEASE: ANC using employment equity to compensate for its own glaring failures. It is no better than the National Party.
PRESS RELEASE: If GNU really believes in non-racialism, end race-based policy. RP responds to President Ramaphosa.