Record of Events Leading to the Formation of the Referendum Party
The launch of the Referendum Party followed lengthy discussion with the DA and Western Cape Government which culminated in the denial of a referendum on Cape Independence
The launch of the Referendum Party followed lengthy discussion with the DA and Western Cape Government which culminated in the denial of a referendum on Cape Independence
OPEN LETTER: Honour your constitutional oath to act in the best interests of the WC people. It's time to ask those people whether they want their independence from South Africa.
RP leader lays out the legal basis for his Cape Independence advocacy, challenges the conduct of his political opponents
PRESS RELEASE: [Budget 2.0] SA needs to learn that prioritising transformation over growth is a fools errand and you end up with neither
PRESS RELEASE: Unless we slash spending & promote economic growth, nothing will change
PRESS RELEASE: Radical actions are required to end gang violence in the Cape. The Province must do more. Is emulating El Salvador the solution?
PRESS RELEASE: "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." SA is here, and our government is overpaid to under-deliver.
OP-ED: Advice to the US Government. The ANC will die on this hill and 70% of South Africans agree with them. Support the 30% who don't and win big.
PRESS RELEASE: RP warns ANC on treason talk, says end race-based policy & protect property rights
PRESS RELEASE: Ramaphosa doubles down on failed policies, claiming they will deliver economic growth even though they haven't for the past 30 years.