South Africans are innovative and resourceful people. The role of the government is to help create an environment which allows businesses to thrive and encourages them to invest. When they do, everyone benefits with jobs being created and taxes being paid.

For much of the last 30 years, the South African government has done the exact opposite. The result is one of the highest unemployment rates in the world and a shrinking tax base. Tragically, this has been entirely avoidable but questionable political ideologies have taken precedence over common sense. Currently, the South African Government dictates who can own businesses, who they can buy and sell to, and who they must employ. 

The Referendum Party will work to elevate logic over ideology and invigorate the economy.

Removing all race-based policy will undo much of the damage. Businesses will be able to choose their customers, employees, and investors on merit. Existing development grants will be available to everyone who can make a sound business case. The time spent on government bureaucracy will be slashed.

Creating more flexible labour laws, limiting union powers, improving ease of access to finance, and establishing better business incubation networks will turbocharge the economy and set the Western Cape and South Africa onto a sustainable growth path.