OP-ED: Donald Trump - South Africa's Black Swan
OP-ED: Advice to the US Government. The ANC will die on this hill and 70% of South Africans agree with them. Support the 30% who don't and win big.
OP-ED: Advice to the US Government. The ANC will die on this hill and 70% of South Africans agree with them. Support the 30% who don't and win big.
PRESS RELEASE: Why does Cape Independence bother its opponents so much? Phil Craig invites outspoken critic Vuyo Zungula to discuss it over coffee.
OP-ED: Phil Craig reflects on the criticism he receives as a Cape Independence advocate
OP-ED: Phil Craig discusses the CIAG's proposed privately organised referendum on Cape Independence
PRESS RELEASE: Referendum Party (RP) highlights terrible economic performance of WC under DA rule
Only Cape Independence will ensure that Western Cape people will control their own policy decisions.
PRESS RELEASE: Referendum Party to confront DA over record in WC government
Watch TV news broadcasts from the future with the Referendum Party (RP) media team.
The Referendum Party signed the CapeXit Election Accord on April 22, 2024, in Cape Town.
The Referendum Party (RP) chose the iconic R62 border crossing between the Western and Eastern Capes to launch its 2024 election manifesto on Monday.