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Phil Craig invites ATM leader Vuyo Zungula for coffee to discuss Cape Independence

Judging by their recent public statements, it is clear that the African Transformation Movement (ATM) fundamentally misunderstands both the motivations which drive Cape Independence and the constitutional imperatives upon which it is based.

One of the unfortunate legacies of Apartheid is that it has created a class of politicians who have developed an entirely misguided sense of their own moral superiority. Logic and truth are often the first casualties.

Promoting the idea of an independent Western Cape is an entirely lawful pursuit. The Constitution protects the right to hold and promote political beliefs and to form political parties. It recognises the right to self-determination, not just for the South African people as whole, but also for communities within South Africa. It recognises that those communities could potentially exercise this right in any way. It recognises the authority of international law and the relevant treaties which South Africa has signed, and it establishes the right for provinces to hold their own referendums.

The Referendum Party proposes that a provincial referendum be held in which all registered voters in the Western Cape be allowed to democratically express their view on whether they would like the Western Cape to become an independent sovereign state or not. 

The independent Western Cape that the RP’s envisions would be entirely non-racial, having done away with all race-based policy, would have a market oriented economy designed to maximise economic growth and job creation, and would have a professional competent civil service divorced from ideology and party politics. The goal is to provide a better life for all. 

In light of this, the ATM’s various claims are utterly ridiculous. They include that the RP seeks to create a genocidal state, and that the RP seeks to incite violence and propagate hatred based on race and ethnicity. These are outright lies.

A question which the ATM, and many other opponents of Cape Independence should be asking, is what bothers them so much about Cape Independence? If a majority of Western Cape voters peacefully and democratically decide that they would prefer to govern themselves, why would that be offensive to people who live elsewhere? The answer to that is very revealing indeed.

RP leader Phil Craig has written to ATM leader Vuyo Zungula and invited him to meet for coffee where they can discuss Cape Independence.