Why Does The RP Spend So Much Time Talking About The DA?
The DA are the gatekeepers to a referendum on Cape Independence.
The DA are the gatekeepers to a referendum on Cape Independence.
OPEN LETTER: Honour your constitutional oath to act in the best interests of the WC people. It's time to ask those people whether they want their independence from South Africa.
PRESS RELEASE: Unless we slash spending & promote economic growth, nothing will change
PRESS RELEASE: Radical actions are required to end gang violence in the Cape. The Province must do more. Is emulating El Salvador the solution?
PRESS RELEASE: "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." SA is here, and our government is overpaid to under-deliver.
OP-ED: Advice to the US Government. The ANC will die on this hill and 70% of South Africans agree with them. Support the 30% who don't and win big.
PRESS RELEASE: RP warns ANC on treason talk, says end race-based policy & protect property rights
PRESS RELEASE: Ramaphosa doubles down on failed policies, claiming they will deliver economic growth even though they haven't for the past 30 years.
PRESS RELEASE: The truth, that SA as a centralised unitary state will always fail, will not be spoken at SONA. Instead, we will hear more empty promises about growth & jobs which will never appear.
PRESS RELEASE: ANC is getting its just rewards as Trump administration levels criticisms against it over race-based policy and EWC