The Referendum Party (RP) has now finalised its Non-racialism Bill and will now begin the process of submitting the Bill to the National Assembly. This follows a consultation period during which civic organisations and other political parties were given the opportunity to provide input into the Bill.
The Bill will be submitted directly to the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development accompanied by a supporting petition signed by members of the public. The Bill’s purpose is to finally bring an end to all race-based policy and legislation in South Africa.
The Bill predominantly deals with Section 9 of the Constitution, which it seeks to amend.
The effect of the proposed changes will be to require the state to treat all people as individuals, taking their specific circumstances into account, instead of making decisions about them based purely upon their race. It will also require that actions taken to remedy the effects of unfair discrimination in the past, do not create further discrimination in the present.
A copy of the Bill can be read here.
The RP is initially targeting 10 000 signatures for its petition and encourages members of the public to throw their weight behind this campaign. People can sign the petition on the RP’s website.
RP leader, Phil Craig says,
“Government initiated racism should have been outlawed a long time ago. A Constitution founded upon non-racialism is entirely incompatible with race-based policy. We have taken this long overdue initiative because the main opposition parties have shirked their responsibilities and not done it.
We will now be watching very carefully to see how members of the GNU respond to this proposal. Non-racialism is a core value for many of the GNU parties. If they stand with us, we can end this injustice. On the other hand, if the GNU parties abandon their principles and kowtow to the ANC on non-racialism just as they have done on the BELA Bill, then voters will know exactly where they stand.
At the RP, we are not interested in maintaining a status quo which is deeply prejudicial to minorities. We are going to fight for what is right, even if we have to fight alone.”
DATE: 14 January 2025