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Referendum Party welcomes formation of GNU

The Referendum Party (RP) cautiously welcomes the formation of a Government of National Unity (GNU) and hopes that it will result in a marked and measurable improvement in the performance of South Africa.

Referendum Party leader, Phil Craig says, “How South Africa has arrived at this point is now less important than what it does with the opportunity. The economic pragmatists within the ANC now have sufficient cross party support to negate the influence of destructive radical elements within their own party. They must seize this opportunity with both hands. Meanwhile, the DA now has the chance to prove that it can deliver desperately needed change in national government. It will never have a better opportunity than this.”

The RP will be watching carefully to see whether the GNU can deliver meaningful economic growth, a marked reduction in unemployment, a significant reduction in crime, and major improvements in critical sectors including electricity, ports, and rail. 

The DA have publicly stated that the devolution of powers to provinces will be a key priority. The RP is particularly keen to see what concrete steps the DA will be taking and whether the ANC is willing to play ball.   

Date:  30 June 2024