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Referendum Party endorses Private Referendum on Cape Independence

The Referendum Party (RP) is delighted with the Cape Independence Advocacy Group’s (CIAG) announcement that it intends to organise a provincial referendum on Cape Independence.  

The Western Cape continues to be governed at a national level by a government it did not elect, and to suffer the disastrous consequences of policies which it did not vote for and to which it is opposed. 

RP leader Phil Craig, who co-founded the CIAG and remains a member of its executive committee, says, “The GNU is the best of a bad bunch of options for South Africa, but the Western Cape has other choices at its disposal. The Western Cape already has to implement the ANC’s disastrous economic and race-based policies. Now it must implement NHI, the BELA Act, and lose 2 400 teachers, not because it wants to, but because it is being forced to. The Western Cape people continue to pay a high price for remaining a province of South Africa. Polling has continually shown that the majority of Western Cape voters support a referendum being held on Cape Independence. The Premier has intentionally denied them democracy, so we are delighted that the CIAG is going to allow them to be heard.”