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Referendum Party supports Solidariteit’s legal action against President

The Referendum Party (RP) is encouraged by Solidariteit’s legal action against the President over BELA, whilst sharing its frustrations at the GNU partners who allowed the Bill to be promulgated.

Since 1994, the South African Government has become increasingly hostile to ideological and cultural minorities with disastrous consequences for the country as a whole. Policies aimed at ‘transformation’ have destroyed economic growth, driven up unemployment, devastated service delivery, and led to a skills exodus.

The BELA Bill is simply an extension of this failed ideology, with clauses 4 and 5 being thinly veiled attacks on Afrikaners. This is completely unacceptable.

The GNU was supposed to function as a handbrake on the ideological follies of the ANC and the sufficient consensus clause offered the GNU parties, most notably the DA, a veto on all decisions.

It is therefore incomprehensible that BELA has been signed into law and promulgated with the apparent unanimous consent of the GNU parties.

The RP reiterates its stance that the ANC is beyond redemption and that the only viable long-term solution for minority communities is to claim their undeniable right to self-determination and to govern themselves. 

DATE: 16 January 2025

Referendum Party steun Solidariteit se regstappe teen die President

Die Referendum Party (RP) is bemoedig deur Solidariteit se regstappe teen die President oor die BELA-wetsontwerp, terwyl hulle ook die frustrasie deel oor die RNE-vennote wat toegelaat het dat die wetsontwerp afgekondig word.

Sedert 1994 het die Suid-Afrikaanse regering al hoe meer vyandig teenoor ideologiese en kulturele minderhede geraak, met rampspoedige gevolge vir die land as geheel. Beleid gerig op ‘transformasie’ het ekonomiese groei vernietig, werkloosheid verhoog, dienslewering verwoes en tot ‘n uitvloei van vaardighede gelei.

Die BELA-wetsontwerp is eenvoudig ‘n verlenging van hierdie mislukte ideologie, met klousules 4 en 5 wat skaars verhulde aanvalle op Afrikaners is. Dit is heeltemal onaanvaarbaar.

Die RNE moes as ‘n rem op die ideologiese dwaashede van die ANC funksioneer, en die voldoende konsensus-klousule het die RNE-partye, veral die DA, ‘n vetoreg oor alle besluite gegee.

Dit is dus onbegryplik dat die BELA-wetsontwerp met die klaarblyklike eenparige toestemming van die RNE-partye onderteken en afgekondig is.

Die RP herhaal sy standpunt dat die ANC nie meer gered kan word nie en dat die enigste lewensvatbare langtermynoplossing vir minderheidsgemeenskappe is om hul onbetwisbare reg op selfbeskikking op te eis en hulself te regeer.