Letter to Referendum Party Supporters (4 June 2024)
LETTER: RP Leader Phil Craig addresses activists, supporters, and voters following election disappointment
LETTER: RP Leader Phil Craig addresses activists, supporters, and voters following election disappointment
The Daily Maverick are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.
The MPC is polling nowhere close to a national majority.
A core principle of Cape Independence is genuine non-racialism.
Only the Western Cape electorate can vote in a referendum on Cape Independence.
PRESS RELEASE: The RP will be contesting the Western Cape provincial, Western Cape regional and national ballots.
The Referendum Party (RP) concerned by the ANC's rush to pass the Expropriation Bill before the 2024 elections.
Phil Craig delivered a speech on Cape Independence
TEXT OF SPEECH: Cape Independence: Fool's errand or Survival strategy?
Daniel Hukamdad, has joined the Referendum Party (RP)
RP to take IEC to court if signatures of 18 660 supporters are not accepted